Continuum Weight + Wellbeing

Virtual Services – Video & Phone

"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."
-John F Kennedy

Two Care Plan Packages Available: 3-month and 6-month

All Packages Include the Following Services:

Private Coaching Sessions

One-on-one coaching either virtually or by phone,
whichever you prefer. We will focus on prioritizing your immediate needs, reviewing customized meals plans, goal setting, finding solutions for weekly challenges and celebrating wins. This will include personalized meal plans and behavioral coaching. We will discover your Nutrient Density Score and track success on your Continuum Progress Map.

We create truly customized meal plans tailored to your nutrition needs and food preferences including:

Each plan is detailed by meal, in a daily and weekly
format that also includes specific recipes for the week. Grocery lists by food group are provided for your
ease and convenience as well.

Customized Meal Plans & Recipes

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Continuum’s Nutrient Density Analysis©

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How well are you eating? We can measure that! Your body needs the right fuel to function at its best.
With our Nutrient Density Calculator© , we can determine how nutritious your diet is and help you make improvements.

Personal Grocery Store Shopping

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Take a 60-minute personal grocery shopping trip at your favorite grocery store with our Registered
Dietitian, Danette Peterson. This trip is a fantastic educational opportunity to learn nutrition label reading
and the strategies to selecting the healthiest choices for you and your family. She’ll also shop with you
based on your Grocery list from your meal plan. Clients love this experience!

As a client, you are invited to securely log in to your private Client Portal to access your custom meal plans, recipes, grocery lists as well as your food diary, notes and various reports from your coach.

Client Portal

Optional Fullscript services are available for easy access to high-quality medical-grade nutritional supplements and wellness products. All orders include a 15% discount and are shipped directly to you. Purchasing products through this or any resource is not a requirement for our program or meal plans.

Contact Us to Set Up a Call to Learn About the Continuum Custom Care Plan Packages and Pricing.

Nutrition & Lifestyle Classes

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Enjoy a fresh perspective from Registered Dietitian Danette Peterson, in her 60-minute Nutrition & Lifestyle classes where she leads open conversation in various topics.

We will explore such topics as Meals in 15 Minutes, Nutrition for Menopause, Food Addiction, and How Your Beliefs Drive Your Food Choices.

We are happy to provide this optional resource for our clients to purchase the best professional grade brands of supplements at our discounted price.

Access to Supplement Dispensary

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6 Months
12 Months
3 Months
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Free Trial






Your Text


Weekly Coaching

Custom Meal Plans

Nutrient Density Analysis

Progress Map

Inbody Composition Analysis

Regular Price = $1520

40% Off Promo Price = $912

If Paid in Full receive a 10% discount and pay only $820


Weekly Coaching

Custom Meal Plans

Nutrient Density Analysis

Progress Map

Inbody Composition Analysis

Regular Price = $2800

40% Off Promo Price = $1680

If Paid in Full receive a 10% discount and pay only $1512

Partner Support Discount = $250 OFF EACH Care Plan Package
Personalized Payment Plans & Referral Benefits Available

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Additional Services

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"The support I got from Danette has been the most valuable. She has tremendous expertise in nutrition and health coupled with the ability to coach and support. I have learned so much from her and learned a lot about myself, what's important to me and how to achieve my goals. The entire conversation has been about making this a sustained way of living, and that has made all the difference in the world."

~ Beth R.

Your healthy solution to losing weight and keeping it off without the risk of damaging your metabolism on an extremely low diet. Eat your own food within all food groups without relying on supplements & meal replacements.
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