The Art of Living Preventatively

If there has ever been a time to live preventatively, I believe the time is now! The Dictionary defines prevention in the following way: prevention [prəˈven(t)SH(ə)n] NOUN the action of stopping something from happening or arising. Putting It into Practice Simply stated, living preventatively means making the healthiest and best choices as often as possible […]
Got Habits? Good Ones?!

Building better habits can be the key to unlocking a better version of yourself! We know what we should do. Why don’t we do it? There are lots of great quotes about ‘habits’ out there, such as, ‘Habits Are Your Anchor for the Unexpected.’ They’re powerful and they get our attention. We agree with them, but we […]
Let’s Get Real About Alcohol – It Can Be the Barrier Between You and Your Health Goals.

Alright, not to be a buzz-kill, but the fact is, drinking alcohol regularly is probably the single biggest barrier between you and any health goals you’re trying to achieve. Especially losing weight. I bet I have your attention now. I can tell you that every client I’ve ever worked with who hit a plateau or […]